#kanak-kanak #diy #gift #limited
Resepi ayam gunting sedap tapi ringkas jer.
4 months ago
Face it: you love yourself
Ever wonder what a blogger does?
I did too.
So, I found one to spill the bean.
I am not just being a blogger but at the same time trying to be a wedding planner.
I blog to remember things for myself.
Things I jot down here are based on my memories, experiences, observations and wishes. Never in my intention to hurt anybody, lets just agree to disagree. So, enjoy reading!
Thank you for stopping by. Hope you stay a while..
Right Here, Right Now Copyright © 2010 Design by Ipietoon Blogger Template Graphic from Enakei and Penciling
ala2...comelnyer..mesti kanak2 nnti suka sngt...
nak! hehehe.. tomey :)
nak 1 ;)
@Diyanapensel normal size, yang gedabak tu bunga nya
@cik mahfor sure! tp limited only
@anis suryanieawk kene jd kanak-kanak dl, baru boleh dapat ;)
@Cik Awin sila jd kanak-kanak semula k, hehe
DIY ke??
tetibe nak bawak adik sedara dtg majlis sis nti haha
nak satu... hahaha... terbaik wokkk... kiutness.. shomel..
@orked violet @ SYAdiy, kekok gak mula-mula
@Princess Feyqahahaha, sanggup tu nak angkut
@sarahhernyzaraik, ngaku kanak-kanak ke?
comel nye!!! bukan kanak2 je ni suka...akak kanak2 pon sukalah cmni... :)
kreatif nye...chomel abis :D
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